Here's a photo of our front yard on December 27, 2003, after one of the biggest snowstorms in Utah's history. You can see the broken branches in our yard and across the street in Liberty Park. The day before (Boxing Day!), after more than a foot of snow had fallen, Joe and I decided to hike up to Smith's on 9th and 9th to get some milk to make hot chocolate. We strapped on our snow boots, etc., and trudged up to the store and bought a gallon of milk. On the way back, Joe helped two or three vehicles get unstuck from the snow (it was a baaaad day for driving). We probably spent two hours total out in the snow, trudging and digging. The last car that got unstuck accidentally backed up over our gallon of milk. Kersplash. We were almost home by then and decided not to hike back for more. So no hot chocolate. But it was lots of fun all the same.