Monday, December 06, 2010

12 Days of Pictures-Day 3

Hmmm....looking through the photo archives for something out of the ordinary. How about March 2005. I accompanied Joe on a work trip to Nashville and we took a side trip to Memphis to visit Graceland. So here's me in Elvis' pristine shrine of a living room.


barbie said...

the perfect combination of random and totally cool.

The Gardener said...


Nate said...

Sorry I missed the first few days of pictures. December is a crazy busy time! But I love this idea and am really jealous of your sunny weather during Thanksgiving:) Looks like a great trip. Graceland looks much better with Denny in it!

The Oregonians said...

Where are your blue suede shoes?

Julie said...

Denny, this is slightly creepy. I find Elvis quite creepy. It's kind of a creepy shrine of a living room. Creepy. What did women see in him? He's so obviously Suavay (as my kids say) it's laughable. There's nothing subtle.....I hope you got outta there quick-like.