I loved the pomp 'n' splendor of the Royal Wedding. Joe and I watched it live in the middle of the night (although he wasn't awake on purpose -- but since he was sleepless he sat up with me and made running commentary, a la Mystery Science Theatre 3000).
I loved the magnificent spectacle of it all. Who was in charge of this thing? I want to shake her hand. Every molecular detail of it was so excruciatingly just-so. Here are things I loved:
1. The clean streets and Union Jacks waving between spring-green trees.
2. Shiny cars.
3. Westminster Abbey. It's ONE THOUSAND years old. I read a wedding commentary that was complaining about the puny attempts at floral arrangements inside the church, but can you imagine even making a dent with flowers? They put live trees inside instead, which I thought were beautiful.
4. Kate's wispy thin veil.
5. And wispy thin waist. Good grief, did this girl starve herself? It did make for a lovely silhouette, but Kate, sweetheart, have a chocolate doughnut now. The pressure's off. (Actually, maybe it's not...poor thing.)
6. The boy sopranos in the choir with their ruffly collars and little spectacles and peachy complexions.
7. And the orchestra -- behind which pillar, post or vestibule was it squirreled away? Oh, it sounded wonderful. Wouldn't you love playing second violin in that group?
8. Seeing Elton John in the congregation singing the opening hymn (to the tune of "Guide Us O Thou Great Jehovah.")
9. The priest who gave the introduction in his round English tones, talking about bringing up children in the "fear and nurture of God" ("fia and nuhchuh")
10. William having a wee spot of trouble getting the ring on Kate's finger.
11. The fact that there was no wedding kiss inside the church (apparently deemed inappropriate) and no cheesey, "May I present to you...for the first time...the Duke and Duchess of CAMBRIDGE" (catcalls/whoops).
12. William's fast and goofy handwaves in the carriage.
13. Footmen!!
I didn't anticipate caring so much for the darn wedding, but it was just so cool to watch! Even the reruns are mesmerizing.
On the domestic front -- Emma snapped a pretty good photo of the new birds a few days ago
And big news in the dental arena -- Emma's first tooth loss (this happened a couple weeks ago). We didn't even know she had a loose one till we went to the dentist recently and he discovered it. Emma was thrilled to have a loose tooth and wiggled it incessantly. A couple Sundays ago, after I went to a choir practice, she told Joe she wanted her tooth OUT, so he cleaned up the pliars and pulled it out and Em apparently made nary a squawk. Tooth fairy brought her a tootsie pop and two bucks.