Monday, August 15, 2011

Recital Time

Well, it's been an action-packed summer so far. School starts next week, and Emma capped off her summer activities with a gymnastic recital at the Gymcats last Saturday. Sure she has one week left of swimming lessons, but we need another post (the proper waiting time after my birthday has elapsed).

Emma has been attending Gymcats for about a year, and has made great progress. She loves to go to class each week, and can be seen practicing cartwheels and bridge kick overs at any time or any place. She was excited to show off her stuff, and did a great job.

Here she is waiting her turn on the raised beam

Here she is lining up with her classmates to go to the next station

Here we have the floor routine

Ok then


Ang said...

Great job, Emma! She looks like a natural.

Amy said...

Impressive back handspring!

And that picture of her waiting for her turn on the beam is so professional looking. Love it.

Richard said...

We got a great view of the whole thing and Emma was doing so well!
Great pictures, Joe.

Nate said...

Emma, that is really good! Looks like a future in gymnastics is ahead:)

Barb said...

Having seen the real deal today I can attest to Emma's prowess. She is amazing. I picture her in red up at the U of U before we know it!
Aunt Barbie

laurel said...

That is so cool! Way to go.

laurel said...

I ma having a give-a-way on my blog. Come enter. I would love it if you won. Even better, I would love to hear your qualifing story.

Julie said...

Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! I love this! Emma was made to do gymnastic gyrations! I want her body. Yes, exactly the way it is. I'll take my clothes in for alterations. Stuff my organ shoes with cotton balls.