Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Starting our blog

Okay, so we're starting a Haynie family blog, mostly to keep family and friends (can you hear Joe saying "friends?") apprised of what's going on with Emma's adoption. As you know, we've been awaiting Emma's referral for over a year (the referral will include 2-3 pictures of Emma and will tell us her age, Chinese name, which orphanage she's in, a little medical history, etc.). We hope the time is coming soon when we will receive our referral and will finally be able to see Emma's little face. It's about time.

For a cute picture from the last referral batch (sent out last week) check out http://thehumphreysfamily.blogspot.com/ and click on the pix to enlarge. These are my favorite pictures from the current crop of referrals.

So we'll keep you posted about what develops.


andrea said...

I think about you guys often and have wondered how the process was going. So, I have to say, "Yeah!!" to starting this blog. I can't wait to see pictures of little Emma.

Incanus said...

It's great to see that you guys started a blog. I think it's an efficient way for everybody to stay connected. Much better than those things they use to have back in the stone age; I think they were called "letters". By the way, you may want to change your blog settings so that everybody can leave comments, and not just people with a blogger login.

Anonymous said...

Do you suppose people will print and save blog entries the way they used to save letters?

Anonymous said...

Hi You dont know me I am Julie's friend she has been keeping me posted because we adopted the cutest little girlt ever 9 years ago (yours is the 2nd cutest ever)we named ours Maeley Wang her Mei Mei means little sister Mei means beautiful, and since maely was a little sister it works we spelled it different because nobody could pronounce it when we showed them the chineese version. We kept her middle name in China so she would alwasys remember her brthright. Its amazing Maely is the Most like me.And I have to natural children. You will love her with so much love it will be a amaxzing to you. Good luck Julie will keep me posted. I hope you get to see the Great Wall and places like that itwas really neet.