Monday, July 28, 2008

A Fine Mess

This picture has nothing to do with the post. It is just a summery scene.

I have been told this is the stuff of legends. I suppose it could be. Families sitting around the dinner table years from now will look back to smirk and guffaw; and were I totally innocent of doing the same, I might cringe. But alas, I myself still get a chuckle at long ago instances of fast meeting testimony singers and too-detailed health updates and travelogues. So here you go, all those that missed the actual incident. Jest away (everybody else in church did)!

So there I was....I remember it as though it was yesterday. Probably because it was yesterday. It was the end of a fine sacrament meeting and Denny was playing the organ for the congregation. We have been trying to get Emma to settle down a bit in church, so I sat near the front with her. Denny joined us in between hymns. After the last speaker finished, Denny went up front to play the last tune, ol' number 35, "For the Strength of the Hills."

The first three verses went as expected. In fact, if Felicia D. Hermans had stopped writing at three verses, I wouldn't be telling this sad yet fascinating tale. Where was I? Oh yeah, Emma started walking slowly to the front. I was thinking "she won't go up to the stand." I flashed her the sign for "candy" as she glanced back, and she quickly returned. She took off again, having broken the proverbial "up on the stand" barrier and went directly to Denny, who now had her attention divided. As Emma climbed up on the bench, two things happened. The world slowed waaaaaay down, and Denny looked down and asked me to come up and get Emma.

I took off for the stand, ducking under poor Sister Gurr who was leading. As I went around the back of the organ, I stepped down on Denny's organ bag, slipped, and nearly went down like a sack of hammers. Them organ bags is slippery. By this time, any hope of surprising Emma was out the stain-glassed window, and she latched on to Denny's neck like Crusher Kowalski doing a full-nelson on a weaker foe (weren't they all weaker?).

In retrospect, I should have taken my chances with letting her stay on Denny's lap. Instead, I grabbed on and pulled, expecting her grip to give. It didn't. Must have been a fine sight. I'm told that those who were asleep or missed church are still kicking themselves. Denny's glasses were totally askew, and her hair was across her face. I had Emma around the waist, and she was hanging on to Denny's neck for all she was worth. A bizarre sight by any measure, much like a scene from Dante's "Tag team match from hell."

I finally got Emma free after nearly pulling Denny off of the bench. To her credit, and to the amazement of the whole congregation, she never missed a beat! Great work. Eye of the tiger. Battle zone organing.

Some poor soul had to then come up and give the final prayer amid the laughs. Emma then jumped down like nothing happened, and scurried into nursery.

There you have it. Use it. Share it. Change the names if you wish or quote verbatim. It's all true. My only hope is that it quickly fades from everybody's memory, or that something even more bizarre happens in church to somebody else. Fat chance. Ok then.


Eliza2006 said...

Go, Denny, go! I am currently crying from laughing so hard. I am also jealous that Emma actually goes to nursery.


Anonymous said...

Don't know which we laughed harder at, your written account or Denny's verbal one earlier today. Both are hilarious. Where is a video camera when you really need
Thanks for sharing.
G&G Hiatt

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm laughing my head off and I'd already heard Denny's brief version on the answering machine last night which gave me the giggles - but this write-up is a legand in the making of classic hilarity - thanks for the great story - oh Denny, it's just a scream!


Anonymous said...

Joe, you are quite the "raconteur"! Your description was so good, I could envision the whole chain of events. I am sitting in Ohio laughing hysterically and will be sure to share with family & friends. What a sport Denny is and Emma is a special one!

Theresa Wilson Green

Peggy said...

Okay, I'm not going to lie--I was reading your post and snorting with laughter. Snorting! Holy cow, I don't know who Denny killed in a previous life, but Joe--you deserve that wonderful, beautiful mischievious child!!!

Jen Howick said...

As one who was in the congregation witnessing this whole thing, I have to say it was truly one of the funniest things I've seen, especially in Sacrament meeting. I wish you could have all seen it in person. We all laughed throughout the whole thing and then through the prayer. And at least 5 people mentioned it to me afterwards. But as a true musician that Denise is, she truly never missed a note. It was amazing! You guys are troopers!

Anonymous said...

WAY TO GO DENNY! First rule of musical performance: Thou shalt not stop......for anything. Including glasses being knocked off, hair swept across your face and Emma having you in a double nelson (which, by the way Emma, is banned in amateur wrestling - this is true! Tom just looked it up on Wikipedia!)

I read this out loud to Tom and had to stop and do the "silent laugh" in spots while I nearly dislodged my lungs.

We'll have to teach that girl how to make better use of her time on the organ bench with mama - at least change the registration for you before the final verse!

Julia Warren said...

OH. MY. GOSH. This story trumps every other embarrassing musical/sacrament meeting story I have ever heard before..the best part being you didn't even skip a beat! Go Denny.

liz said...

I will never forget the visual of Emma wrapped around Denny's head. I always thought Denny was a superior musician and this was true artistry. This is the stuff of sacrament meeting legend -- I only wish a picture of it could be around for Emma's future wedding video. Sorry we all had a laugh at your expense, but it was worth it!

Anonymous said...

This should have a warning label for no food or drink while reading cause you die laughing and may be injured as a result! So funny!!!!!!!!!!!!! we did die laughing

Anonymous said...

I laughed so hard reading this. Do you think there's any chance of a repeat? I would love to come and watch. I'll bet you get a record crowd for church this week:)

Anonymous said...

They say laughter extends your life by 8 years. Thanks for that. That whole episode was really funny. I can
see it all now as it unfolds. I am sure the attendance
will be up next week.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, that was SO funny. I was roaring, I tell you, ROARING. Joe, I look forward to meeting you.


laurel said...

That is absolutely great. We have had one of those Sundays too. Except it was the primary kids singing and Maylin wanted to join in. Wont give details...just it was the talk of the meeting. BUT I do have to say....yours beats a mile! That is funny. Can't believe you kept playing the organ. That is talent!