Sometimes I get out my old beat-up Armstrong flute that I've had since '71 (7th grade year, Farrer Jr. High School). Emma gets a kick out of "playing it." But darned if she's not able to get some pretty good toots out if lately. Her embouchure's not bad! So I told her she could have it, the flute's all hers. She was thrilled and cleared out a special place on the floor next to her chest of drawers for it. Then we found a french bread basket to put it in. A perfect fit.
She's completed some attractive art projects lately. The one below is called "Parade Float."
And this is one she did at school that I love.
We recently had to get a drywall repair done on our basement ceiling. The nice guy who came to do the job (Al) was very proficient.
But turns out he played the piano, too. So while drywall stuff was drying, he sat down and knocked out a few tunes.
It's just something you don't run into every day: He's a drywall repairman AND an entertainer. Thanks, Al!
Can we expect a concert next time we're in town?
Sure, I'll see if Al's available ;)
Denny, thank you for cracking me up. Your posts are hilarious. I love that you took a pictures of Al not only repairing drywall but also playing the piano.
You are so funny. Let's get together, ya, ya, ya, Mariann
Loved all of Emma's artwork - and even loved the "flute in bread basket" as well!
Thanks for a great update.
Aunt Barbie
I love Emma's artwork. Also great that she is a prodigy with the flute!
I meant a concert by Emma! No offense Al....
Hey, I think I recognize that bread basket! Also, I need Al's number - I have some drywall that needs attention. Does he require a piano to play in between, though?
The flute looks just about as long as Emma is tall.
G&G in Sandy
That is too hilarious about the drywall/piano man! And, hey, Emma might become a budding young flautist since it was her idea to toot away on it and is thrilled with now owning it! I like its little home. It's like a cat in its basket.
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