Sunday, April 25, 2010

Some Time Off

While Denny was in Vancouver for a couple of days, I took some time off to be with Em. As long as I was off for that, I decided to take the rest of the week off to boot. Emma was with me for a good part of it, sharing trips to the Home Depot (4), Costco (2), and the dump. Three trips to the dump were made, with stuff that had accumulated this past year. Is it just me, or is there nothing to compare with the feeling of driving away from the dump? It is like you are getting away with something. Of course, a trip to the dump isn't complete without a stop at the closest Maverik convenience store.

Overall, the weather was great, and offered a chance to make some changes in the back yard, and prepare for the growing season. We went last year without home-grown tomatoes, the first year in many. Anyway, we shoveled and raked to clear a spot for a couple of grow boxes, and put a gate in the fence where none had previously existed. We even whacked a couple of trees that served no purpose other than to irritate us.

Here are a few photos of some other stuff we did:

If you ever need help relaxing, take lessons from a five-year old.

We went on a little hike on a trail a few minutes from our house, and rested to take in the view.

The view of the Salt Lake Valley looking to the north.

The Draper Temple nestled in the southeast corner of the valley.
(click to enlarge -- it looks cool)

It was a great week, and much was accomplished. I will give tomato updates as the Summer progresses. Ok then.


Anonymous said...

Time off with Emma sounds like the best vacation. Good luck with the tomatoes and grow boxes:)

The Oregonians said...

You're absolutely right about going to the dump; made many a trip up Fox Hill back in L.A. Grande. (Ask Denny). Never had my own truck; Bob Fredrickson and I used his and made the trips together. Lots of memories.
Thanks for the pictures (we can almost make out our condo in the north-looking valley shot).
Looking forward to sampling those tomatoes.
Love you all.

The Gardener said...

My Utah isn't as green as VA. How have I forgotten after living there for **ahem* years?

Daddy daughter time is the best. I will forever remember chasing trains with my Pappy. Our adventure always included a stop at the greek restuarant for shish kabobs.

I think I need a kabob for lunch!

amy said...

Great pictures! I too remember going to the dump with my dad and borrowing the Norman's truck. Funny that the dump is so memorable.

Julie said...

One of the thrills of childhood was going to the dump with my dad. We girls were in the back seat and he had stuff in the trunk to dump and he would carefully baaaacck up to this cliff where there was a sheer drop-off and I was terrified that we were going to slide down into that garbage-filled cavern. (Before Bob's truck..)