Sunday, July 31, 2011

Feliz Cumpleanos to Joey

August 1 is Joe's birthday. Happy birthday, dear Joey. I've been waiting to use the picture below for a year. I couldn't find it last birthday, but found it shortly after. It sat among the other icons on our computer desktop for most of a year and then mysteriously disappeared a few days ago. I found it in the recycle bin and rescued it just in time for birthday posting. Wasn't he a cute baby?

And now he's my handsome husband. Hope you have a wonderful birthday, sweetheart!


Nate said...

Happy Birthday to Joe and many more. I still laugh to remember when you did the parent panel for Wasatch and Emma was up on your shoulders messing up your hair:)

Richard said...

Happy July 32, Joe.
Hope you have a great b'day,

Barbraliscious said...

oh my gosh, such a cute baby. Those kissable lips, that adorable face! He's still got it! Happy birthday Joe!

Julie said...

What a beautiful baby photo! Oh my! Happy belated birthday to Joe!