Thursday, November 16, 2006

Need sleep.......can't focus...

On an earlier post, we included a photo of the dress Emma is going to be wearing at Andy and Kathryn's wedding reception in December. We are proud to give an updated photo with Emma dancing in that very dress, It's a great fit, and Denise can't wait to accessorize with pumps, purse, tights, haircut, scarf, and a late-model vehicle.

We have been back for four days now, and need to give an update on Emma's progress for transitioning into her new world. I am sure she is wondering where all of the people, tall buildings, breakfast buffets, humidity, 90 degree temperatures, and the nice attendants outside the hotel room went. We have slipped into the alternate universe known as "The East Millcreek Zone."

Sleep is still up for grabs. Denny and I catch it when we can, which hasn't been real consistent. I was hoping to get a solid three hours straight Sunday, but I missed church. Emma seems to enjoy any kind of wheeled conveyence, stroller or car, because she has yet to arrive at any destination with her eyes open. The trouble comes on "the transfer." After a walk yesterday, we rolled the stroller into her room, propped up the front wheel, and let her sleep while she was still strapped in. That lasted about thirty minutes. She finally went down for a real nap yesterday about 2 PM, and when we tried to wake her up two hours later, she had trouble waking. We think she was in her nine-hour sleep phase, which would have her waking up We still got her up, fed her, and walked her around four a couple of hours until she dropped off again. Denny just woke up again, so we are both in the can't-sleep-but-still-groggy waiting stage.
We have had trips to the pediatrician, and to the lab at the hospital, where much screaming was had. Once for a TB test, and the other to draw blood for a battery of other tests regularly given to adoptive children from other countries. The doc says she looks great, with no visible problems. After we get the blood work back, we will get started on her immunizations. All of those shots into those tiny arms and backside make me cringe.

Denise has promised to give a real update as soon as things settle down a little and she can type without wondering if Emma is chasing the dog, or the dog is chasing Emma (Annie is pleased to see that food is now being eaten at her level on a consistent basis). OK then.


Anonymous said...

If Robert Kirby ever retires as a columnist for the Salt Lake Tribune, Joe has my vote to take over as his replacement! Thanks for the picture of beautiful Emma in her pretty dress - I have now joined the group that dreams about you - I adopted the cutest little curly-haired boy last night!

andrea said...

I have been dying to hear how everything was going with you guys. Thanks for the update. I'm exhausted just reading about it. :) Look forward to hearing more when you get some rest.

Anonymous said...

I'm still trying to get Jack to realize we've had daylight savings and he's waking up too early. I can't imagine changing a baby's schedule from half way around the world. I'm sure she'll adjust soon enough, in the mean time have fun watching crazy 3:00 a.m. television. Emma looks very cute in that dress.

Anonymous said...

So good to hear how well Emma is adjusting. The sleep will come eventually. Good to be getting her out. Sounds like we'll even have some sunny days over the next week or so to help your process. Sun, sun, sun exposure to re-set that clock!! Get her out even if she's sleeping, as the light exposure really is critically for entraining the biological clocks!

Emma looks like she's slipped right in, and quite beautifully as well, to the "Princess"/dressup stage. Hope you're ready!

I vote too for Joe to take over for Robert Kirby!

Anonymous said...

We've been in Utah almost 10 hours now and sill haven't seen Emma.
How unfair can the world be?

Anonymous said...

This is Dennis' sister Karla. I was so excitied when Barbie told me that you were finally getting Emma. I've been enjoying seeing and reading about your adventure! Emma is soooo cute and a very lucky girl to have such great parents. Hope you get caught up on sleep in a year or two. So happy for you and hope to meet her soon.